
Trauma Resource Institute

The Trauma Resource Institute trains individuals in the Trauma Resiliency Model® (TRM®) and the Community Resiliency Model® (CRM), which have been developed to educate individuals about their nervous system and to teach easy-to-learn wellness skills to be used for self-care as well as care for others. A Teacher Training curriculum has also been developed for CRM to promote capacity-building and sustainability in the regions of the world where CRM trainings are conducted.


Emory University Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing

The Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral nursing programs. Graduates go on to become national and international leaders in patient care, public health, government, and education. The School of Nursing has been a center of critical CRM research in the United States.

Georgia Nurses Association(GNA)

The Georgia Nurses Association is the largest professional association for registered nurses in the State of Georgia. Their mission is empowering Georgia nurses to lead change and improve health. Their vision is to be the prominent association in Georgia transforming health through advancing the practice and profession of nursing. GNA has sponsored CRM training among Georiga nurses during the COVID crisis.

Resilient Georgia

Focus: We are dedicated to healing adversity and promoting resiliency in children and families through the prevention and early intervention of ACEs and sharing best practice to support Georgia’s System-of-Care implementation and coordination. Resilient Georgia is has sponsored CRM workshops throughout Georgia.

Self-Discovery: Pain, Positioning & Purpose, Inc

SDPPP is a suicide prevention and recovery program that provides multiple approaches to increase wellness, resiliency, and protective factors among those at risk for or impacted by suicide. While the statistics on suicide are troubling for every age group, SDPPP offers paths to intervention that encourages individuals, families and communities to learn the warning signs and get help when help is needed.

Center for Interrelational Science and Pediatrics

Optimal relationships buffer stress, promote achievement of developmental milestones, and expand our capacity for resilience across the lifespan. The Center for Interrelational Science and Pediatrics (CISP) assists families across each of these areas with both general and individualized services and programs.

Christopher Wolf Crusade

Ending The Opioid Epidemic One Patient At A Time.

Emory University SEE Learning

(Center for contemplative Science: Social, Emotional, and Ethical Learning) Free K-12 Curriculum Chapter 2: CRM

Emory University ARROW Program