The Community Resiliency Model (CRM)® is an innovative, preventative, mental wellness intervention developed by California’s Trauma Resource Institute. It is a low-cost, low-intensity training, originally developed as a psychological first-aid tool in disaster situations. CRM has evolved into a simple set of mental wellness skills that can be readily learned and practiced. The CRM training is well accepted by the general public, including health and public safety professionals. CRM may be particularly helpful with persons with trauma, mental health, or addiction problems. The practice of CRM skills may contribute to enhanced resiliency and the ability to withstand stress.
CRM is based on well-established somatic and sensory-motor psychotherapies—but it is not therapy. CRM has a “bottom-up” (sensory awareness) approach, as opposed to the more standard “top-down” (cognitive) approach. CRM targets autonomic nervous system regulation through an awareness of sensation in the body. This awareness of internal sensation is also called “felt sense.” This ability to “sense-in” or practice sensory mindfulness may be learned and developed.
In CRM trainings, participants learn to understand the biology of their reactions to stress and trauma, and they learn skills to track sensations connected to their wellbeing or resilience. The skills can increase the ability to return from a dysregulated emotional state to a balanced state when overwhelmed.
Reinforcement of the skills is available at www.ichillapp.com, or the free app “ichill” can be downloaded on a smartphone. Two randomized controlled trials of CRM showed increased well-being and decreased stress in Emory healthcare workers!
For body-based trauma therapy, look for therapists trained in the Trauma Resiliency Model, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, or Somatic Experiencing psychotherapy.
What is a Trauma-Informed Approach?
Trauma-Informed Care is a framework that recognizes that over 80% of patients and healthcare/teachers/social service workers have experienced some form of early childhood trauma. This represents a shift in understanding of our Georgia populations.
- At least 20% of Georgians have experienced multiple traumatic exposures before age 18, and if this exposure to trauma is not buffered, these individuals are more likely to experience a multitude of after-effects: emotion dysregulation, mental health disorders, substance use disorders, health-risk behaviors (smoking, unprotected sex), and chronic disease (hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer). Trauma- and resiliency-informed interventions can interrupt this cycle.
- Trauma-Informed Care acknowledges the commonality of childhood trauma and can prevent inadvertent (but very common) re-traumatization of patients, students, consumers, clients.
- Human service workers who are trauma-informed will promote the safety of clients/patients and co-workers alike and will be able to understand and work with potentially violent individuals to protect everyone’s safety.
- Human service workers are at risk for secondary traumatic stress (vicarious trauma from their work).
- Policies and practices are critical to support evidence-based, trauma-informed programs at state, institutional, and community levels. The Community Resiliency Model, both trauma-informed and resiliency-focused, is such a program.

CRM was designed by Elaine Miller Karas and her colleagues. This is her book:
Elaine Miller Karas (2023). Building Resilience to Trauma: The Trauma and Community Resiliency Models 2nd Edition. New York: Routledge.
Elaine Miller-Karas, Founder is at the Trauma Resource Institute
For body-based trauma therapy, look for therapists trained in the Trauma Resiliency Model, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, or Somatic Experiencing psychotherapy.